Adding Telehealth Services and Item Numbers

Learn how to create and manage services for telehealth appointments, including details on naming, item numbers, pricing, and categories.

Follow these steps to add telehealth services to your Zanda account:

  1. Go to Settings > Billing > Services.
  2. Click Add New Service.
  3. Add the details of your the service as required and click Save. Your new service will now be available to use on invoices.

☑️ Tips when entering details for new services:

✔️ Name: If available, use a service name that will be understood by the Client, Private Health Insurers or Medicare (AU) (if applicable)

✔️ Item Number / Code: Ensure you use the correct item number/service code required by the insurance company you will bill

✔️ Description: This content is not critical but it can be helpful to provide a more complete description of the service.

✔️ Tax: Select appropriate tax type if applicable. In most countries, health services are Tax exempt.

✔️ Cost: This is not required. If you wish to record the cost to the practice of providing the service, this can be included here. 

✔️ Price: This is the price you are charging by default for this service and is the amount that will show on invoices.
❇️ In Australia and Bulk Billing? Enter the Bulk Bill amount that Medicare will pay for this service. 

✔️Category: Not required, but helpful. If you have a lot of services, you can add categories to help organise them. (To add Categories go to Settings > Billing > Saleable Categories)

✔️ Portal Deposit: Use this if you'd like clients to pay a deposit when booking online.