How Can I Add Practitioner's Job Title to Communication?

Easily add practitioner job titles to your communication templates in Zanda..

Zanda has a list of available merge fields that are used when setting up communication templates (SMS, email, and letters). The most recent addition of {PractitionerJobTitle} merge fields enables you to add this information to your communication templates automatically. 

  1. Go to Settings > Team > Practitioners
  2. Open an existing Practitioner, or create a new one. 
  3. On the Details page, add the practitioner's title in the Job Title field. Save the changes. 
  4. Add the Practitioner Job Title merge fields to your communication templates, where applicable: 

  • When you create or update a communication template in Settings > Communication > Email, SMS & Letter Templates, click on the Available Merge Fields link to bring up the list. 
  • Type in 'title' in the search field at the top. 
  • Copy the appropriate merge fields and paste them into the template Content box. 
  • Save the changes.