Sending Letters to Referrers

Learn how to send a letter to a referrer from a client’s profile in Zanda.

This article will show you how to send a letter to a referrer from a client’s profile.

Before we begin, please make sure to:

✅ Create a referrer profile.

✅ Ensure the referrer profile has a valid email address.

✅ The referrer is entered into the client’s profile on the Referrals page and is set as Default.

Our article here explains how to accomplish the above tasks: Adding/Editing Referrers and Referrals

Generating the Letter from a Letter Template

1. Go to the client’s profile and navigate to  Communication → New Letter.

2. Select the  Related Appointment, if applicable. 

3. Next, choose the Template you want to send the referral to.

❇️ You’ll see the letter appear in the text editor, ready for sending. Feel free to edit the text or add any extra information. 

Sending the Letter

After drafting your letter, you can send it as a PDF via email. Here’s how:

1. Click the  Send as Attachment button on the bottom-right corner.

2. Read the prompt that appears, and click  YES to continue. 

3. ❗In the ‘ To:’ drop down menu, choose the referrer to whom you want to send the email. 

4. Use the ‘ CC:’ field to select the client or a client’s contact. Doing so will send the letter to them in addition to the referrer.

  • When you send the letter as attachment, you will be able to select a custom email template created and saved in Tools Communication > Templates.
  • If you do not select a custom email template, the system will use a default template for sending attachments.
  • The 'From' email address in the default email template is populated from the Settings > Communication > Communication Options page, the 'Business Email Address' field.
  • If no email address is entered there, the system will use the email address saved in Settings > Practice > Business Info.



  • Before you send the email, you will be able to add more attachments to it, if necessary. You can use the text editor feature to upload a file from your previous uploads folder, or directly from your device. 
  • If you need to add a client file from their profile > Records > Files or Admin > Admin Files, you will need to download it to your device first, and then upload to the email with an attached letter. 

6. Send the email.


    If you do not see the Send Email button, this means that your display is set to scale larger than 100%. To resolve: 

    •  Zoom out on the browser screen to 100% for the immediate fix.
    • On a Windows device, set up the Display Scaling and Layout to 100% by default, for the permanent fix:
      • Open device Settings  System  Display
      • Select the Scale and Layout to be 100% (Recommended)
    • On a macOS device,
      • go to the  Apple Menu  System Preferences  Displays
      • change the scaling to be smaller (more space)


    7. Now go to the referrer’s profile (use the search bar to quickly find the referrer) and navigate to  Communication  Activity.

    • Here, you’ll see the letter + email.
    • If it is in ‘ Sent’ status, it means the email and the attached letter successfully went through to your referrer's inbox.