This guide will walk you through the main features of the practice dashboard, focusing on filtering options and how to navigate different reports.
The Zanda Practice Dashboard feature contains practice relevant metrics including invoicing, appointments, and clients statistics.
Read this article to learn more about using the dashboard.
In this article:
- Accessing and Filtering the Dashboard
- Managing Reports on the Dashboard
- Understanding Key Metrics and Report Details
Accessing and Filtering the Dashboard
- Access to the Practice Dashboard is initially granted exclusively to the account master user.
- To grant access to the Dashboard for additional users within your account, navigate to Settings > Team > Users > User Management and enable the 'Access Practice Dashboard' option.
You can access the dashboard from the main menu panel:
1. Main Dashboard Page Overview: When you access the dashboard, you'll land on the main page where you can view and filter data according to your needs.
2. Date Filtering:
At the top of the page, you'll find the quick date filter. This feature allows you to customize the time period for the reports displayed.
- You can select preset options like 'Last Week', 'This Year', 'Last Year', etc.
- Alternatively, you can manually adjust the date range if needed.
3. Practitioner Filtering:
- You can further refine the data by filtering for all or specific practitioners. You can select more than one practitioner:

4. Location Filtering:
- Use the Locations filter to include data for all location, one specific location, or multiple locations:
5. After the time, practitioner and location filters are set, click 'Apply'
This will update the dashboard to display details relevant to the selected time period, practitioner, and location.
Managing Reports on the Dashboard
The practice dashboard feature includes the appointment, income and new clients metrics overview. You can configure the dashboard layout based on your needs.
Available Reports:
- Appointments
- New Clients
- Income
Configuring Dashboard Layout:
- The dashboard allows you to choose which report you want to highlight as the main report on the page.
- By clicking on 'More Detail', the selected report will expand, giving you a more comprehensive view.
Navigating to Detailed Reports:
- For detailed exploration, you can click on specific reports, in the top right corner of each dashboard section. This action will open the full report page, allowing you to delve deeper into the data.

Understanding Key Metrics and Report Details
Each available report includes various metrics and details.
The Appointments dashboard displays various appointment metrics, such as
- Total Attended - Counts the total client appointments indicating attendance including pending, confirmed, arrived, and completed status. Excludes group and personal appointments.
- Total Not Attended: Counts the total client appointments indicating non-attendance including rescheduled, late cancellation, cancelled and no show status. Excludes group and personal appointments.
- Metrics are color-coded for easy interpretation: for example, decreasing "Total Not Attended" is positive (displayed in green), while a decrease in "Total Attended" (displayed in purple) could indicate a problem.
- Clinical Notes Status: Counts the total client appointments with attended statuses (Pending, Confirmed, Arrived, Completed) that have either no note, a note in draft status, or a note in completed status. Excludes group and personal appointments, and admin notes.
- The clinical notes statuses are color-coded:
- Green: No notes listed.
- Blue: Notes in draft.
- Purple: Notes completed.
- The clinical notes statuses are color-coded:
- The appointments graph displays appointments split by their status. Hover over each bar to see the appointments count:
New Client Report
- Total: Counts total new clients added into the system during this period.
- This report lists the number of new clients for the current period compared to the previous period. The previous period is defined as the exact same timeframe as the current one, but for the preceding month. For example, if you’re viewing data for July 1st to July 31st, the previous period would cover June 1st to June 30th.
- Source: Counts the source of new clients added based on the “How Clients Heard About Us” field.
- The New Clients graph displays new clients added, split by the time added. Hover over each bar to see the number of clients in the selected point of time.
This report dashboard provides detailed financial data, based on the income and payments report.
It displays the following metrics:
- Invoiced: Total amount for all invoices dated in this period, and compared to the previous period.
- Payments Received: Total amount for all payments received during this period including allocated and unallocated payments, and compared to the previous period
- The Income graph displays amounts invoiced and number of future dated invoices, at a selected point of time. Hover over each bar to see the details.