Why has my Client Stopped Receiving SMS from my Account?

Resolve SMS delivery issues.

If you noticed/were notified that a client suddenly stopped receiving SMS from your Zanda account, there could be a few reasons for this. Read this article to learn how this can be addressed:

    1. If the client stopped receiving only SMS appointment reminders, check their reminder settings in Client Profile > Appointment Reminders
    2. Check that their mobile number is saved in Client Profile > Details and is the correct number. 
    3. Check that they are subscribed to SMS communication in their client profile > Admin > Manage.
    4. If all of the above is correct, please email our support team at support@zandahealth.com and provide the details of this issue. We will need to know the client's phone number so that we can check the SMS delivery statuses with our messaging provider.

💡 Important

In order to comply with anti-spam regulations, our messaging provider includes an automatic unsubscribed (opt-out) rule on all accounts.

If a client replies to an SMS from your account with any of these five keywords (case insensitive), they will unsubscribe from receiving messages from your Zanda account:

      • STOP
      • UNSUB
      • REMOVE
      • CANCEL

You able to subscribe the clients back, once you receive a confirmation that the client would like to be subscribed back. This can be done in their client profile > Admin > Manage. See full instructions here.

These are the general recommendations, and we acknowledge that each situation is unique. Please do not hesitate to email us at support@zandahealth.com and we will do our best to thoroughly investigate your issue.